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Training and Community Centre in Zaatari Camp

Training and Community Centre in Zaatari Camp


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UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency, which supports countries in using population data for policies and programs to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person’s potential is fulfilled, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.

UNFPA has been operating in Jordan since 1976, supporting the Jordanian Government and its development partners in meeting its national development goals in areas of population, poverty reduction, sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and prevention of all forms of gender discrimination and gender based violence.

Since the onset of the crisis in Syria and its spill over into Jordan, UNFPA has worked, through national and international partners, to provide sexual and reproductive health services and GBV prevention and response services both in the camps and in the communities most affected by the crisis. UNFPA's humanitarian response to the Syrian crisis includes: 1) providing sexual and reproductive health services and promoting reproductive rights including family planning services, antenatal care, safe delivery, postnatal care, clinical management of rape (CMR) and counseling; 2) Gender based violence prevention and response services; 3) capacity building of the national actors  to ensure the provision of quality services; and 4) provision of supplies such as family planning commodities to the health service providers and provision of reproductive health kits, and 5) working with adolescents and youth to raise their awareness around SRHR and GBV in order to make informed decisions, as well as build their capacity to become actively engaged in their communities.