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As part of Youth Task Force “YTF '' video series on the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action: Stories from Zaatari Camp for Syrian Refugees- Jordan.  This film highlights the key action around “Data”. The Compact calls its members to ensure the generation and use of age and sex- disaggregated data pertaining to adolescents and youth in humanitarian settings. And to support adolescent- and youth-led and community-driven monitoring and accountability of humanitarian responses.

The film showcases examples advocating for generating data and knowledge sharing on youth in Humanitarian Settings. For example, the YTF in Zaatari Camp chaired by UNFPA and NRC works toward providing a platform for knowledge sharing, and generating relevant data and information focusing on youth in Humanitarian settings. For example the YTF conducted a mapping for youth services in the camp and worked with UNHCR and Blumont on generating an Interactive map for the services that is available online:

The data was used to enrich a Dashboard for the data.