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Anwar*, at 21 years old, fled Syria with her family to find safety from the war's chaos and displacement. Life had been harsh in their homeland, but the challenges didn't end once they arrived in the Zaatari camp. Amidst the constant fear and instability, Anwar's family struggled to adjust to their new life.

Living conditions were tough for Anwar and her family in the camp. The absence of safety and stability weighed heavily on them. Despite her young age, Anwar's life took an unexpected turn as she was married off due to tradition at just 15 years old. But her marriage brought pain, as her husband subjected her to physical violence and emotional humiliation, plunging her into a negative psychological state.

Anwar's journey towards healing began when her mother started attending sessions at the Women and Girls Safe Space (WGSS) center. Witnessing her mother's transformation, Anwar mustered the courage to seek help from the center.

At the WGSS center, Anwar was warmly welcomed by a case manager who explained the importance of keeping her information private. This assurance created a safe space for her to open up. She shared the painful ordeals she had endured – the pressures, the repeated violence, and the harm that had left her grappling with self-doubt and isolation.

Through psychosocial support sessions and engaging activities, Anwar found solace and companionship. The center provided not only emotional support but also referred her family for various sessions, including medical services. Anwar's determination to continue her education was supported as well, and she got back on track to complete the tenth grade.

Observing my mother engage in frequent visits to the Women and Girls Safe Space, along with her active involvement in various awareness sessions and psychosocial support meetings, I felt compelled to approach the center and seek their guidance.


Now, Anwar is a transformed individual. She's gained the confidence to voice her opinions and make decisions. Her strength shines as she guides other girls to avoid early marriages and to seek help when needed. Anwar's dream of studying pharmacy is her driving force, a testament to her resilience. With newfound purpose, she aims to bring pride to herself and her family.

Anwar's story reminds us that amidst adversity, there is hope. From a place of darkness, she emerged with strength, proving that with the right support, dreams can flourish even in the toughest circumstances.

*Name was changed to protect her identity.

EU Humanitarian Aid is the kind donor that supports the Reproductive Health Clinic as well as the Women & Girls Safe Space in Zaatari Camp.