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Tik Tok Challenge Competition: Celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child

Tik Tok Challenge Competition: Celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child

Press Release

Tik Tok Challenge Competition: Celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child

calendar_today 06 October 2020

Every year, the 11th of October marks the International Day for the Girl Child, an occasion that is celebrated globally to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. This year and in line with the global theme” My voice, our equal future”. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Jordan has announced a TikTok challenge to encourage adolescent girls, young people, social media influencers and the general public to participate in amplifying the voices of adolescent girls in Jordan and to stand up for their rights.

The video competition commenced yesterday and will continue until the 10th of October. Participants will shoot their videos using Aziz Maraka’s verse of his song “Bent Gawyeh /Strong Girl”

Videos shall focus on one of two main messages: A story of an inspiring young girl who made a difference in her own way and/or How competitors are supporting girls’ empowerment and amplifying their voices.

Jordanian artist Aziz Maraka will launch the challenge on his social media accounts, in addition to other young influencers as Jood Mobideen, a 16 year-old novelist and activist on the rights of girls in Jordan. Muzoon Almellehan, a 21 year-old activist on the rights of refugee girls. Also, she’s UNICEF’s Goodwill Ambassador. In addition to Saeed Qaffaf, a 26 year-old activist on the rights of persons with disabilities (PWD) and a motivational speaker.

The competition’s terms and conditions:

We call on all adolescent girls, young people, social media influencers and the general public to participate in this challenge, in order to provide a space for girls in Jordan to share their inspiring stories and showing support in amplifying their voices, while adhering to the following:

1)      Film a 15 - 30 seconds TikTok video using Aziz Maraka’s “Bent Gawyeh” song verse indicated above.

2)      Publish the video on Instagram or Facebook using the “public” sharing option.

3)      Mention @UNFPAJordan on Facebook or Instagram and use the hashtag #BentGawyehChallenge on your video.

4)      Mention 3 of your friends and challenge them to take part.

5)      Make sure you post the video by the end of October 10, 2020.

UNFPA Jordan will announce the top 10 videos on its @UNFPAJordan Facebook Page. The top 3 of winners will win exciting prizes!

For any questions, please contact Ms. Rascha Albaba: albaba@unfpa.org