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Jordan GBV IMS Task Force Annual Report 2021

Jordan GBV IMS Task Force Annual Report 2021
Jordan GBV IMS Task Force Annual Report 2021


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GBV IMS Task Force

Annual Report

Jordan GBV IMS Task Force Annual Report 2021

Publication date

22 September 2022

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This report provides information on incidents of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) reported by survivors in Jordan during 2021. The GBV IMS Task Force is the body responsible for gathering, maintaining and analyzing data related to GBV, along with ensuring the security and protection of sensitive data concerning GBV. It is important to highlight that the data and trends noted in this report are not representative of the prevalence of GBV in Jordan (or among refugee populations) as these trends are based solely on incidents reported by survivors to the Data Gathering Organizations (DGOs) engaged in GBV response and using the GBV IMS in 2021. Despite these limitations, the GBV IMS is considered the highest quality GBV incident data currently available to the humanitarian actors, which can be used effectively for trend analysis and improving coordination of GBV prevention and response.