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Population and Development

Population and Development

Population and Development
Focusing on ensuring that all people are counted and represented by improving national demographic data systems needed to identify and reduce inequalities. 

High-quality disaggregated data is key to monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Montevideo Consensus indicators and evidence-based interventions in development and humanitarian contexts.

The strategies are aimed at:

  • Strengthening national capacities for the production, analysis and dissemination of disaggregated and high quality information, with emphasis on censuses, surveys and vital statistics.
  • Promoting the incorporation of demographic information into national development planning and humanitarian response. 
  • Strengthening information systems for monitoring the National Development Plan and its linkages with the SDGs and the Montevideo Consensus. 

UNFPA provides technical assistance so that the country has updated and timely information on the characteristics and needs of the population, which contributes to the design of evidence-based public policies for sustainable development.


  • Providing technical assistance to the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) for the planning of the Population and Housing Census, including the automation of processes to optimize the use of resources.
  • Capacity building of INEC staff in management, analysis and visualization of demographic information.
  • Providing technical assistance to INEC to improve the quality, completeness, timeliness and availability of death registries. 
  • Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT) 2018, modules referring to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and the National Survey on Family Relations and Gender Violence against Women 2019, with emphasis on gynecological-obstetric violence. 
  • Providing technical assistance to public institutions and civil society organizations for the generation and analysis of information on LGBTIQ+ population, Afro-descendants, indigenous populations, adolescents and youth, and people with disabilities.