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7 March 2022
Learning dialogue on Gender-based Violence and Climate Change in Jordan

Learning dialogue on Gender-based Violence and Climate Change in Jordan

AMMAN, Jordan – On March 7th, 2022 and in celebration of the International Women’s Day, the Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group co-chaired by UNFPA and UNHCR organized a hybrid learning dialogue... Read more

19 January 2022
Toward increase the demand for SRH services

Toward increase the demand for SRH services

UNFPA Jordan in cooperation with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has been providing sexual and reproductive health services to women in Azraq since 2017. As a midwife, Lara speaks about... Read more

15 December 2021
Launching the National Reproductive and Sexual Health Strategy for the Years (2020-2030 )

Launching the National Reproductive and Sexual Health Strategy for the Years (2020-2030 )

Amman – Sunday 12/12/2021- The Higher Population Council, in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund, launched the National Reproductive and Sexual Health Strategy for the years (2020-... Read more

13 December 2021
GBV SWG simultaneous joint event: “Sharing my story, my voice: My rightful access to opportunities and services”

GBV SWG simultaneous joint event: “Sharing my story, my voice: My rightful access to opportunities and services”

On December 2, 2021, the Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group (GBV SWG)* conducted a joint simultaneous event under the national sub-theme “Controlling behaviors: limiting my choices and my power... Read more

13 October 2021
Bridging the gender-digital divide: Untapping another potential for girls’ empowerment (Part 2)

Bridging the gender-digital divide: Untapping another potential for girls’ empowerment (Part 2)

On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child and under the global theme for this year “Digital generation. Our generation”; the Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group (GBV SWG) in... Read more

13 October 2021
Adversity can make you a strong independent person

Adversity can make you a strong independent person

“I Felt Stronger and I Wanted to become Independent,”: Fatima* As soon as he ran out of money, the verbal abuse began.  “He insulted me and called me names,” said Fatima, a 42-year old Syrian refugee... Read more

11 October 2021
Reproductive Healthcare Services are a Lifeline to Syrian Refugee Women

Reproductive Healthcare Services are a Lifeline to Syrian Refugee Women

Last March, Umm Muhammad, a 42-year-old Syrian refugee, gave birth to her eighth child, a healthy baby girl whom she named Rahil.

11 October 2021
Technically Empowered Girls Sharing their Knowledge

Bridging the gender-digital divide: Untapping another potential for girls’ empowerment (Part 1)

On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child and under the global theme for this year “Digital generation. Our generation”; the Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group (GBV SWG) in... Read more

3 October 2021
While Lifting other Women up, Dalal Forgot her own Fears

While Lifting other Women up, Dalal Forgot her own Fears

Even after fleeing the bombing in Deraa to Jordan for safety in 2012, with her husband and three children, Dalal never felt safe. Her husband became abusive especially after he resorted to alcohol... Read more

29 September 2021
Press Release
Funded by UNFPA, HPC Holds a Media Training Supporting Population and Development Issues

Funded by UNFPA, HPC Holds a Media Training Supporting Population and Development Issues

On September 20&21, 2021 the Higher Population Council (HPC), supported by UNFPA held a two-day training course for media persons on employing modern media methods and techniques in tackling... Read more
